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Photo of the Day ~ Birds Category ~ August 26, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Pam Silvester All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Colorful Visitor
by Pam Silvester (pandrbirds1) 
Olympus E-500
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
I am bummed, there aren't many at my feeder this year :(

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3.67 (12 votes)
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Raymond Pauly commented on August 26, 2008 00:05:
Wonderful in-fligt capture with great clarity of detail and freeze action! Congratulations!
Marion Cronen commented on August 26, 2008 00:45:
Beautifull shot... I know what you mean about not to many visitors at the feeders ... I seen a few at the begining of the season but it really slowed down .. I love it when there is a bunch just a hummin around ya .. :)
R Stepnell commented on August 26, 2008 03:44:
..very smooth background & good image of the hummer, well done for your potd.
Ken Hinkelman commented on August 26, 2008 05:42:
Perfect... In every aspect. Congratulations on your win today.
Diane Blackford commented on August 26, 2008 06:50:
This is a fantastic capture Pam. Congratulations on your superb POTD.
Kathy DiPaolo commented on August 26, 2008 06:59:
Congratulations Pam, a beautiful shot.
Carmem Costa Mência commented on August 26, 2008 07:14:
Pam, a beautiful and perfect shot. Congratulations, a hug, Carmem.
Rob Maiden commented on August 26, 2008 07:54:
It IS a great shot Pam....told ya!! Well done....I am suitably impressed.
Linn Smith commented on August 26, 2008 09:57:
Terrific stop action timing with good clarity and variances in color...congratulations on your POTD!
Monnie Ryan commented on August 26, 2008 11:39:
Wonderful capture, Pam -- these little guys are really hard to get. Congratulations on your POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on August 26, 2008 16:40:
A marvelous, colorful and attractive image of this beautiful hummer in flight. Congrats on a winner today, Pam!
Sherry Pollett commented on August 26, 2008 20:27:
I love it...it's just beautiful! Great shot of a hummer. Congrats on POTD!
Pam Silvester commented on August 26, 2008 22:51:
Thanks sooooooooooooooo much everyone for all the ohhh so nice comments & congrats :)
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on August 26, 2008 22:54:
Wow....excellent stop action and great color! A beautiful shot of a perfect little gem! Big congrats on POTD!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on August 26, 2008 22:55:
Wow....excellent stop action and great color! A beautiful shot of a perfect little gem! Big congrats on POTD!

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