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Photo of the Day ~ Birds Category ~ September 04, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Bill Doherty All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Power Dive
by Bill Doherty (DOXHOPE) FIRST POTD!
Nikon D-300
United Kingdom

Photographer Notes:
A lanner falcon, Falco biarmicus begining its power dive. Lense Nikkor 80-400mm.

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4.15 (13 votes)
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Linn Smith commented on September 04, 2008 08:12:
Wow...an awesome capture and terrific first time win at PV! Outstanding stop action timing - big congratulations and welcome to the site!
Steve Robinson commented on September 04, 2008 08:24:
Fantastic picture !!
Evy Johansen commented on September 04, 2008 09:55:
Wow... fantastic image, Bill!! Wonderful clarity and details! Super composition!! Big congratulations on your POTD!!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on September 04, 2008 11:59:
Excellent clarity and detail!! Congrats Bill on this very fine 1st. POTD!
Bill Doherty commented on September 04, 2008 16:14:
Thank you so much for your comments and replies..heres hoping its not my last Regards, Bill
Bill Doherty commented on September 04, 2008 16:14:
Thank you so much for your comments and replies..heres hoping its not my last Regards, Bill
Tom Milner commented on September 04, 2008 16:28:
An awesome shot worthy of any calender....Well Done
LaRee Brownell commented on September 04, 2008 17:53:
I'd likely just fall over in glee if I ever captured a shot like this. Absolutely excellent!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on September 04, 2008 21:47:
An elegant and outstanding BIF shot, Bill. Congrats on your fantastic POTD and I look forward to seeing more!
Richard Cox commented on September 06, 2008 05:21:
Bill, you keep taking the quality of photos that I've been trying to achieve for years. This not only applies to this particular picture but all the others you post. Perhaps we should look at Tommy's suggestion of a calendar!
Greg Douglas commented on September 06, 2008 05:54:
Stunning shot Bill.
Greg Douglas commented on September 06, 2008 05:54:
Stunning shot Bill absolutely superb capture.
cheryl dobie commented on September 07, 2008 08:33:
Wow...what an outstanding image, awesome quality,FANTASTIC. Well done bill.
cheryl dobie commented on September 07, 2008 08:45:
Wow...what an outstanding image, awesome quality, FANTASTIC. Well done bill
Paul Rennie commented on September 07, 2008 08:54:
Fantastic clarity on such a difficult fast moving subject, really captures the moment... and a Lanner too! Well done Bill
Paul Rennie commented on September 07, 2008 09:05:
Fantastic clarity on such a difficult subject, really captures the moment.... and a Lanner too!! Well done Bill.
Alison Teasdale commented on September 07, 2008 11:36:
Brilliant.Don't know how you do it.You really captured the essence of a bird in flight.Fantastic!
david rhodes commented on September 08, 2008 04:10:
Hi Bill , this is the best action photograph i have ever seen, with loads of detail . You must be very proud of this !
Julie Butler commented on September 08, 2008 04:30:
Absolutely fantastic photo!
Julie Butler commented on September 08, 2008 05:06:
Absolutely brilliant! I could only dream of capturing images like this! Well done Bill

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