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Photo of the Day ~ People Category ~ September 05, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Linn Smith All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Crossing the Wake
by Linn Smith (artisopus) 
Canon EOS 5-D
Orlando, Florida
United States of America

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3.77 (11 votes)
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Robert Zappia commented on September 05, 2008 02:02:
Well times Linn. Congrats on POTD.
Evy Johansen commented on September 05, 2008 02:19:
Great timing! Wonderful capture, Linn! Congratulations on your POTD!!
Heather V Hogg commented on September 05, 2008 03:44:
Wow, I love this one Linn, great timing! congraulations on your POTD!
Kumiko Parkinson commented on September 05, 2008 08:22:
You captured a serious concentration on her face, and beautiful splash and clarity! Congratulations, Linn!!
Linn Smith commented on September 05, 2008 09:49:
Thank you for your kind comments...a appreciate your warm words of encouragement!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on September 05, 2008 10:37:
An excellent sport action shot with remarkable detail and expression. I love her keen concentration, her balance on the board, the underside of the board which is so clearly visible and all the splashes...which all add to making this a brilliant composition...big congrats, Linn!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on September 05, 2008 10:55:
AMAZING action shot, Linn. A winner in every aspect. Congratulations!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on September 05, 2008 12:05:
Wow,!what great timing! Incredible concentration, superb detail in the spray of water, and excellent perspective! Big congrats on this outstanding POTD!!
Margaret Barry commented on September 05, 2008 12:37:
Fantastic action shot, Linn. Excellent timing and clarity. Congratulations on your POTD!
sue anne rush commented on September 05, 2008 16:24:
Great action caught and emotion.
Mike Steward commented on September 05, 2008 18:20:
Great action shot Linn. You don't see much better on the sports pages. Congratulations.
Mustafa Kizilcay commented on September 05, 2008 19:53:
Wonderful action shot with such detail, Linn. You are master of photography. Big congratulations on this great POTD!
Renee Harrell commented on September 05, 2008 20:02:
Terrific planning and timing, Linn! It doesn't get any better than this! Perfect action capture with great detail and focus! Congratulations on the POTD!
Maureen Bisson commented on September 05, 2008 22:22:
Congratulations on your POTD Linn! Wonderful action capture that looks like soooooo much fun!
Gerda Grice commented on September 05, 2008 22:52:
Another brilliant stop action shot, Linn! Fantastic clarity on the surfboard rider and great capture of expression! Many congratulations on your POTD!
Tom Briggs commented on September 08, 2008 05:39:
Great action shot, Linn. Wonderful clarity and timing. Congrats on your POTD.
susie peek-swint commented on September 09, 2008 15:38:
Fantastic capture Linn ~ perfect stop-action timing and detail .. a worthy POTD winner!

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