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Photo of the Day ~ Abstract Patterns Category ~ November 10, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Robin-Lee Vieira All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Windows in the Water
by Robin-Lee Vieira (Image-Anne) 
Olympus E-3
Pawtucket, Rhode Island
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Reflection of an old stone water powered mill.

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3.57 (15 votes)
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Dov Oron commented on November 10, 2008 01:39:
Wow RL, three again. I like them all but this one the most, even though I'm not a great abstract lover. It's time you got 4 or 5, in one day, we all know three isn't such a problem for you :0)
Brett Hayvice commented on November 10, 2008 02:12:
Nice to see this side of your photography. Beautiful!
Brett Hayvice commented on November 10, 2008 02:12:
Nice to see this side of your photography. Beautiful!
Mustafa Kizilcay commented on November 10, 2008 05:47:
Well seen abstract with wonderful colors, texture and composition, Robin-Lee. Big congratulations on the last (last just in the order of my commenting!) of the triple POTD today!
Kathy Shogren commented on November 10, 2008 07:48:
Congrats Robin-Lee on this wonderful abstract POTD and on your TPL today. Very nice work!
Renee Harrell commented on November 10, 2008 07:49:
Well done, Robin-Lee! You're a natural...with a triple today! Congratulations on all 3 outstanding POTD's!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on November 10, 2008 08:07:
A very attractive and well seen abstract, Robin-Lee, with outstanding reflective color, tones, shapes, patterns & lovely textures in the water. Big congrats on your triple today...just lovely...all!
Linn Smith commented on November 10, 2008 08:39:
What a strong way to complete your triple win today! An amazingly well seen abstract...the reflections in the water accentuate the beauty that is already there. Wonderful colors and good design patterns...a huge congratulations!!!
Lois Sturdivant commented on November 10, 2008 11:09:
Congrats on a triple win! This is my favorite.
Heather V Hogg commented on November 10, 2008 13:34:
Very well seen Robin, I love it, congratulations on another well deserved POTD!
Christine Czernin commented on November 10, 2008 15:30:
Excellent abstract,Robin-Lee. Congrats on your triple win.
Christine Czernin commented on November 10, 2008 15:31:
Excellent abstract,Robin-Lee. Congrats on your triple win.
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on November 10, 2008 19:41:
Thank you so much everyone!!! I appreciate your comments and support..and thank you so much PV!!! (^O^)
Teresa Burnett commented on November 10, 2008 23:47:
This is a fantastic abstract, Robin-Lee!! Love the tones and ripples!! WOW, you had a really great day!! Congratulations on the third POTD of your triple header!! Way to go!!
Gerda Grice commented on November 10, 2008 23:49:
Excellent reflection abstract, Robin-Lee! Many congratulations on your POTD for this and on your superb triple!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on November 15, 2008 15:21:
Congrats on a third and great potd today, Robin-Lee. WTG!!!

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