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Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ December 07, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Jim Cumming All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The Rut is On!
by Jim Cumming (Jcumming) FIRST POTD!
Canon EOS 40-D
Kanata, Ontario

Photographer Notes:
I happened to be up early the morning of Nov 6th 2008 and looked out to see a very heavy fog. So I grabbed my coat and camera and set out to the local woods to see what I could find. No sooner had I arrived when I heard some commotion from the trees and through the fog I saw him, a huge 8 point buck on the hunt for this doe who seemed more interested in hiding behind me than anything else....I managed to move around just in time to see this site and snapped away hoping my camera settings and light were good. PP done were some cropping and just a bit of curves and levels to adjust the contrast....the rut is on! AV mode 70-200 f/4L IS F/5 1/500 sec ISO 400 106mm focal length

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3.89 (14 votes)
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Raymond Pauly commented on December 07, 2008 00:28:
This is really an outstanding capture and a wonderful shot, Jim! Congratulations and welcome to PV!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on December 07, 2008 00:54:
A Superb shot...and the fog makes it magical! Excellent detail here and love the buck in the background..just lovely! Congrats on the 1st. of many I'm sure!!
ellen hodges commented on December 07, 2008 01:25:
Congrats on a wonderful capture, Jim!!
Doug Havens commented on December 07, 2008 06:25:
Great timing and great capture. A well deserved PotD win. Congrats!
Roger Bailey commented on December 07, 2008 07:17:
AWESOME! Wish I had taken it. Congrat's on your excellent capture. I love the Whitetail deer. During the rut I normally carry a weapon other than my camera. Maybe I should change my ways. Keep stalking that fabulous north country!
Dave Longfellow commented on December 07, 2008 10:47:
Great shot, very well captured.
Joyce Webley commented on December 07, 2008 10:55:
You were spot on! Excellent capture! Congratulations on your first POTD, and welcome!
Mary Binford commented on December 07, 2008 11:14:
Awesome! You must be very proud of this.
Kathy Shogren commented on December 07, 2008 11:39:
What a thrill to get this shot. Congrats Jim on POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on December 07, 2008 12:07:
An outstanding shot with great detail & a wonderful misty magical atmosphere...highlighted by the deer who are taken with the photographer. Congrats on this exceptional capture, Jim, and I am eager to see more to come!
Peggy Zachariou commented on December 07, 2008 13:17:
This photo just "grabs" and not all do. Congrats...amazing capture.
Jim Cumming commented on December 07, 2008 13:40:
Thank you all for the nice comments. I hope to add more in the future. Jim
Gord Barter commented on December 07, 2008 17:47:
The more I look at this image only reveals how wonderful it is an outstanding capture Jim and on Nov. 6th in Ontario seems a bit risky to be out in the bush during the hunt LOL and congrats on your first POTD!
Bill Foxworthy commented on December 07, 2008 17:51:
Lovely capture. Luck was on your side Jim, Congratulations!
Linn Smith commented on December 07, 2008 20:08:
The misty morning adds real drama to this terrific morning capture of the deer...very atmospheric! Congratulations on your first win at PV and welcome to the site!
Barbara Socor commented on December 07, 2008 21:36:
A brilliant capture Jim! The fog adds softness and even an otherworldly quality to this magical moment...it must have been thrilling to be in that moment...and then to capture it so well. Beautiful shot. Congrats to you on the first of many...Welcome aboard!
Alex Mackie commented on January 10, 2009 08:44:
Hey Jim, Great shot. I too live in Kanata. Was this taken at the Old Quarry trail on Eagelson?

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