Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Sunday, December 14, 2008 » Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Bugs and Closeups Category ~ December 14, 2008

Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Bugs and Closeups Category ~ December 14, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Joyce Webley All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The Getaway
by Joyce Webley (joyce) 
Canon Digital Rebel
United States of America

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3.29 (7 votes)
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Barbara Socor commented on December 14, 2008 00:22:
A remarkable and very beautiful image....an abstraction with a touch of realism! Fine shooting Joyce...Congrats on your fine POTD!
Lonnie Facchina commented on December 14, 2008 10:38:
Gorgeous shot, Joyce... congrats on your win today.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on December 14, 2008 14:56:
An excellent, colorful & clever macro, Joyce, with a somewhat magical feel to it. I love the edges of the pedals which almost look like waves & the ant in motion in the lower third is perfect....congrats!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on December 14, 2008 16:39:
A very unique macro with excellent comp and beautiful colors. Congrats on your win today, Joyce.
Joyce Webley commented on December 14, 2008 17:29:
Thanks to PV for choosing my image today! And thanks to the many wonderful people who take time to leave comments. Happy Holidays to you all!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on December 14, 2008 22:24:
Wonderful color, layers and dimension perfect stage for a getaway!! Congrats Joyce on this wonderfully seen and captured POTD!!
susie peek-swint commented on December 15, 2008 19:24:
Super macro Joyce ~ love the vivid colour and detail ~ great title too! Many congrats!

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