Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Tuesday, January 13, 2009 » Photo of the Day ~ Scenic & Landscape Category ~ January 13, 2009

Photo of the Day ~ Scenic & Landscape Category ~ January 13, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Joyce Webley All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Around Every Corner
by Joyce Webley (joyce) 
Canon Digital Rebel
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
You can almost never escape a glimpse of Mt. Rainier from wherever you go. I never tire of it!

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4.00 (9 votes)
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Kathy Shogren commented on January 13, 2009 00:06:
Wow, this is a real beauty Joyce. Looks like a painting. Congrats on POTD!
Chris Picard commented on January 13, 2009 00:16:
That's a good one Joyce. Fit for framing.
Jason Hewitt commented on January 13, 2009 00:39:
It's postcard perfect. ;P
duncan mackie commented on January 13, 2009 05:29:
Pretty stunning image Joyce, thanks for sharing. It has a soft feel to it which works well.
Kumiko Parkinson commented on January 13, 2009 07:08:
Beautiful and very special colors! Very nice shot of the Mt. Rainier and the wonderful Sky! Congratulations, Joyce!
Linn Smith commented on January 13, 2009 08:44:
Wow...an awesome capture of this magnificent mountain range! Superb soft coloring, a dynamic sky and wonderful layering with the mist sandwiched between the mountain and tree line! Congratulations on your win today!
Teri Moyer commented on January 13, 2009 09:03:
Splendid image with beautiful color in this well captured image. I agree that it almost looks like a painting. Congrats on your POTD!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on January 13, 2009 09:03:
WOW!!! Amazing capture. Those clouds are really special. I've seen them once before. Beautifully captured scene with wonderful colors. Congrats on an awesome potd, Joyce.
Lola M. commented on January 13, 2009 09:41:
Beautiful soft colors on this gorgeous image! Congratulations!
Monnie Ryan commented on January 13, 2009 09:54:
Just stunning, Joyce. Love the muted colors. Congratulations on your POTD!
Spencer Huck commented on January 13, 2009 10:19:
Outstanding capture! This is possibly the best photo I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing your talents.
Leif Kjaer commented on January 13, 2009 11:18:
Beautiful, beautiful image. Wonderful colors and thought-provoking clouds.. (Such a cloud stayed over our car all the way from Roswell, NM to Texas, in 1998.) Congratulations on your POTD today!
brandon daryle commented on January 13, 2009 16:23:
An absolutely outstanding capture of this gorgeous scene! I love the muted colors and the wonderful sky. Congrats on POTD!
Joyce Webley commented on January 13, 2009 21:31:
Thanks PV for choosing my image today, and thank you to everyone who stopped by. Each comment made my day a little brighter!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on January 13, 2009 22:10:
Wow, Joyce, this image is superb. I love the beauty of the lovely soft colors throughout & the very dramatic looking sky with a surreal feel to it. Congrats on your excellent landscape winner today!
SaMi Martin commented on January 13, 2009 22:54:
Just beautiful; Congrats Joyce!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on January 14, 2009 00:10:
Wow! This is just gorgeous Joyce!!! Big Congrats on this lovely image which is a pleasure to view!!!
ellen hodges commented on January 29, 2009 10:49:
Awesome capture. Joyce. perfect in every way.

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