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Photo of the Day ~ People Category ~ February 18, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Connie Gordon All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The Working Man
by Connie Gordon (JesiSue) FIRST POTD!
Nikon D-300
Naponee, Nebraska
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
a farmer friend of mine was repairing something when we stopped by to ask him about an eagle that was sitting in the tree by his house. It was to dark for the pic of the eagle but I liked this one of him welding. hope you do also.

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2.80 (10 votes)
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Angela Irvine commented on February 18, 2009 01:16:
Congratulations on becoming a Photography Voice member and on your lst POTD. A great job on this shot of a guy doing a tricky job! A big welcome from one Kansan to another! Angie I.
Norma Smiles commented on February 18, 2009 07:03:
This is a very interesting photo with wonderful color. I like this one. Congratulations on your first POTD!
Doug Havens commented on February 18, 2009 07:21:
A great first! Congrats!
Renee Harrell commented on February 18, 2009 07:24:
Excellent exposure in this difficult light here, Connie! Love the sparks you captured...luckily he didn't catch any!!!! Congrats on a Super First POTD and welcome to the site!
Linn Smith commented on February 18, 2009 09:58:
Very natural and candid looking shot...an excellent entry for your first time win at PV! A difficult capture due to the tricky lighting - you did an terrific job! Welcome to the site and a big congratulations!
Margaret Barry commented on February 18, 2009 16:02:
Fantastic capture, Connie. Congratulations on your first POTD!
Connie Gordon commented on February 18, 2009 16:19:
thanks to everyone for their nice comments. I was using a 500mm lens so not much chance of getting hit. I think it will be fun getting used to this sight and a challenge to improve my shots.
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on February 18, 2009 18:05:
Wonderful color and framing..a terrific candid and 1st. POTD! Welcome aboard!!
Kathy Shogren commented on February 18, 2009 19:52:
Wonderful capture of the flying sparks Connie. Congrats on your POTD!
Barbara Socor commented on February 18, 2009 20:42:
I do like it! Quite a bit. The color and light are excellent and the sparks flying are wonderful! A fine shot Connie! Welcome to PV and congrats on your first of many POTDs!
ellen hodges commented on March 01, 2009 09:28:
Wonderful clarity and color in this capture, Connie! Congrats!
susie peek-swint commented on March 21, 2009 06:13:
Great action shot Connie ~ I love the light reflecting off his clothes and headgear .. many congrats!

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