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Photo of the Day ~ Shades of Grey Category ~ February 26, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Mustafa Kizilcay All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Public Library NYC
by Mustafa Kizilcay (Akagawa) 
Olympus E-510
New York, New York
United States of America

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3.43 (7 votes)
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William wrosenthal commented on February 26, 2009 00:26:
I like it. What surprises me is the similarity of this scene with old libraries in France that I shot on the last trip. I have to get those up. Amazing.
Amy Hopp commented on February 26, 2009 02:13:
Awesome perspective, Mustafa. I especially love the repetition and glowing chandeliers. Congrats!
ellen hodges commented on February 26, 2009 06:14:
Congrats on a great captite, Mustafa!
Doug Havens commented on February 26, 2009 06:39:
Congrats on your win. I love the 3 books between the lines of the table. Great eye!
Teri Moyer commented on February 26, 2009 08:02:
Congratulations on this win, Mustafa! Very well done perspective and repetition.
Kumiko Parkinson commented on February 26, 2009 08:25:
Nice classy library! Excellent exposure and composition, Mustafa! Congratulations!
Linn Smith commented on February 26, 2009 10:07:
A powerful and dynamic perspective which catches the viewers attention instantly! The lighting, figures, chandeliers and rows of books create a beautiful composition! Congratulations on another superb win!
Katherine Finch commented on February 26, 2009 13:22:
really nice conversion. love the subject
Kathy Shogren commented on February 26, 2009 18:09:
Wonderful repetition and DOF. Very striking in B&W. Congrats Mustafa on POTD!
Barbara Socor commented on February 26, 2009 18:25:
How excellent! A strong composition and POV that draws the eye right into the library! The repeating pattern of chandeliers and book shelves is very fine and B&W makes this a powerful image of tones and patterns. Really fine work Mustafa. Congrats!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on February 26, 2009 22:32:
An excellent capture with superb leading lines and exceptional tonal range! Congrats Mustafa on your outstanding POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on February 26, 2009 23:50:
Wow, what a gorgeous shot, Mustafa, with great lighting, terrific leading lines, depth & outstanding tones. I love the look of this old library taken from such a grand perspective with so much to see. Big congrats!
Heather V Hogg commented on February 27, 2009 15:49:
Great shot for B & W Mustafa, lovely range of tones and lines, congratulations!!

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