Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Wednesday, April 1, 2009 » Photo of the Day ~ Red (04-2009) Category ~ April 01, 2009

Photo of the Day ~ Red (04-2009) Category ~ April 01, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Sherri Aagenes All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Coca Cola Red
by Sherri Aagenes (peacesheri) 
Sony Cyber Shot DSC-F828
Gatlinburg, Tennessee
United States of America

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3.00 (12 votes)
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Dick Wyatt commented on April 01, 2009 04:16:
Looks red to me and it sure is different!! Way to go. Dick
Monnie Ryan commented on April 01, 2009 07:46:
Hey, great photo for the red category, Sherri! A great big congratulations from up here in Ohio!
Barbara Socor commented on April 01, 2009 07:55:
Hi Sherri! Nice to see your work again...this is a perfect theme shot! Actually, an excellent shot anywhere you put it....Congrats to you!
Renee Harrell commented on April 01, 2009 08:08:
Certainly fits in the red category...! Lots of it! Congratulations on being the first in this category!
Sherri Aagenes commented on April 01, 2009 09:37:
Thanks Dick, Monnie, Barbara & Renee! First of all it is GREAT to be back in the swing of things! Unfortunately I have been very ill and have had to let many of my favorite addictions (such as entering & commenting on PV) go by the wayside! I am glad to be a little better & have some energy to participate again! Thanks to each of you for your comments!
Sherri Aagenes commented on April 01, 2009 09:38:
Oh, and this is a shot of the top of a Coca Cola Machine that is located in the Gatlinburg Convention Center!
Linn Smith commented on April 01, 2009 10:31:
Welcome back, Sherri! A grand comeback with this great "red" entry...truly a striking and colorful image! Beautifully framed and captured...big congratulations on your recovery and win today!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on April 01, 2009 10:56:
A great category winner, Sherri, with wonderful detail & color. An excellent still life capture...congrats! I am ever so happy to hear that you are feeling much better & I pray for your continued full recovery.
Jane Mountain commented on April 01, 2009 11:53:
Great shot and perfect for the category.
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on April 01, 2009 14:47:
A great theme capture!! Excellent color and lines, and framed just right! Welcome back Sherri, and a big congrats on POTD!!
Kathy Shogren commented on April 01, 2009 19:00:
Yep, that's red all right. Wonderful entry for the very first theme win of the month. Congrats Sherri on POTD!
Connie Gordon commented on April 01, 2009 19:20:
good color to match the title or vice versa :) congrats.

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