Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Saturday, April 25, 2009 » Photo of the Day ~ Shades of Grey Category ~ April 25, 2009

Photo of the Day ~ Shades of Grey Category ~ April 25, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Lyn Winans All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Ice Dog
by Lyn Winans (lyn) 
Olympus E-3
Minden, Ontario

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2.94 (9 votes)
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mike marshall commented on April 25, 2009 01:07:
Lyn, I hope you realize that you'll soon run out of ice and snow. At least, I hope you will. Good eye, great shot. Congratulations on your cool double win today!
John Matthews commented on April 25, 2009 06:01:
Thats a great photograph of the dog and his shadow. Congratulations on a deserved POTD.
Linn Smith commented on April 25, 2009 08:25:
Big congratulations on your double win today! A wonderful capture with great shadow work!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on April 25, 2009 09:40:
Unique and clever win in this category. Perfectly framed and with wonderful contrasts, Love it! Congrats Lyn!
Kathy Shogren commented on April 25, 2009 11:17:
Nicely composed with the shadow. Congrats Lyn on POTD and on your double today.
Cheryl Tessens commented on April 25, 2009 17:26:
Good eye Linn! Very nicely composed with good tones.Congratulations on your double win today!
brandon daryle commented on April 25, 2009 17:38:
Nicely done!! I love the contrast. Congrats!
Barbara Socor commented on April 25, 2009 21:03:
Beautifully captured Lyn....a fine portrait of this handsome dog....and a terrific image in BW...Congrats!
Dick Vance commented on April 25, 2009 22:00:
Superb exposure for both the dog and shadow. Congratulations for the two POTD's today.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on April 26, 2009 13:36:
Well seen & photographed, Lyn. Great shadow work with the dog looking yonder amidst all the snow and ice...big congrats on your double!

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