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Photo of the Day ~ Shades of Grey Category ~ April 28, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Robin-Lee Vieira All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Reaching Out
by Robin-Lee Vieira (Image-Anne) 
Nikon D-300
Bristol, Rhode Island
United States of America

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3.54 (12 votes)
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mike marshall commented on April 28, 2009 00:29:
Reaching out is right, Robin-Lee. The branches on these trees can be so dense. You've given us a wonderful point of view and the sunlight and shadows add to the effect. Great shot, pal!
Dave Gaines commented on April 28, 2009 00:41:
The perspective and shadows are wonderful. I like your viewpoint. Good eye for having found it. We saw this in a pine tree in the snow recently in CA. ongratulatiions on your POTD.
Evy Johansen commented on April 28, 2009 00:48:
Wow... Awesome image, Robin-Lee!! Wonderful perspective! Perfect title!! Big congratultions on your POTD!!
Jane Mountain commented on April 28, 2009 01:20:
Nice effects and great perspective. Looks good as grayscale - well done.
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on April 28, 2009 01:54:
Thanks bunches Mike, Dave, Evy & Jane! :)
Mark Houghton commented on April 28, 2009 02:57:
Great perspective, well done on your win today Robin-Lee!
ellen hodges commented on April 28, 2009 06:22:
Congrats on a fantastic image Robin-Lee. Love the comp on this great image!!
Norma Smiles commented on April 28, 2009 07:30:
Well seen and very well photographed, Robin-Lee. Great use of DOF to have this tack sharp all the way through. Congratulations!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on April 28, 2009 08:16:
FABULOUS image, Robin-Lee. Very well done!! Congrats on a terrific potd.
Teri Moyer commented on April 28, 2009 08:53:
Very well done image, Robin-Lee! Well seen and well captured! Congratulations on your POTD!
Lorraine T. Lynch commented on April 28, 2009 09:12:
Look at all those branches! Such a cool POV and I like this Robin-Lee in Black & White! Congratulations!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on April 28, 2009 09:54:
Thank you so much Mark, Ellen, Norma, Kirsten,Teri & Lorraine,I really appreciate your comments!:O)
Linn Smith commented on April 28, 2009 11:54:
What a grand and exceptional perspective! Amazing shadow work and great lighting standing out among others of its kind as a superior composition! Congratulations on your win today!
Gerda Grice commented on April 28, 2009 15:58:
Great choice of POV and really striking and interestin image, Robin-Lee! Many congratulations on your POTD!
Scott Miller commented on April 28, 2009 19:15:
Great B&W Robin-Lee. Congrats on your POTD!
Kathy Shogren commented on April 28, 2009 21:28:
Beautiful POV and contrasts for a very striking B&W Robin-Lee. Congrats!
sue anne rush commented on April 28, 2009 21:46:
Very nice perspective looking upward to all those branches.
SaMi Martin commented on April 28, 2009 22:42:
Wow does that tree have branches or what; what a great find. Congrats Robin-Lee!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on April 28, 2009 23:36:
Hey! Thank you so much Linn, Gerda, Scott, Kathy, Sue-Anne & SaMi!! :O)
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on April 29, 2009 23:44:
A stunning & unusual perspective of this tree with wonderful lighting and shadow work. Exquisite artistry in this remarkable winner, Robin-Lee...big congrats!
Douglas Perry commented on May 02, 2009 22:17:
Wow! Very cool B/W. Congrats.
susie peek-swint commented on May 05, 2009 03:19:
Great detail and pov Robin-Lee ~ excellent! Many congrats!

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