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Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ May 16, 2009

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Image copyright © Sylvia Rossler All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

King Cute
by Sylvia Rossler (Sylvia) 
Misc. Non-Camera

Photographer Notes:
Yoshi the king of cuteness

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3.25 (10 votes)
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Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on May 16, 2009 01:11:
Really sweet, Sylvia, with rich detail & expression & a fabulous POV...congrats on your darling winner! He certainly is a cutie!!!
Linn Smith commented on May 16, 2009 08:15:
You are right...Yoshi is definitely the epitome of "cuteness." Her soft fur and adorable look are irresistable...congratulations on a fine win today!
Doug Havens commented on May 16, 2009 15:05:
wow, I'm impressed! Very good for an iPhone!
Sylvia Rossler commented on May 16, 2009 19:52:
Thank you Patrice, Linn and Doug :O)
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on May 16, 2009 20:20:
Cute is right! What a sweet expression captured here! Love the fact that he is sitting on his special pillow! very, very, cute! Congrats Sylvia!
Melinda Schneider commented on May 16, 2009 20:47:
Adorable POV and expression captured! Congratulations, Sylvia!!
Sylvia Rossler commented on May 17, 2009 16:55:
Thank you Robin-Lee and Melinda :)
Jane Mountain commented on May 19, 2009 16:10:
What a great sweet picture well captured! I like the POV and framing also.
Sylvia Rossler commented on May 19, 2009 16:52:
Thank you Jane :O)
susie peek-swint commented on May 29, 2009 18:55:
Very sweet capture Sylvia ~ great eyes! Many congrats!
Sylvia Rossler commented on May 31, 2009 16:36:
Thank you Susie :o)

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