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Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Bugs and Closeups Category ~ June 04, 2009

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Image copyright © Kathy Shogren All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

What's Going On?
by Kathy Shogren (shogy) 
Canon EOS 30-D
Assaria, Kansas
United States of America

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Connie Gordon commented on June 04, 2009 00:33:
wow you would think that fly would turn his head. :) your awesome at these close up shots. congrats. 5
mike marshall commented on June 04, 2009 01:47:
So that's why we get so many ladybugs in the warm weather! Funny shot, Kathy. Excellent, too. Again, congratulations on the double win.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 04, 2009 03:55:
Beautiful Close up Kathy. Congrats on your POTD!
Barbara Socor commented on June 04, 2009 07:23:
Terrific! A wonderful capture Kathy....your excellent DOF and sharpness are on display along with a fine sense of humor! Big congrats on this and your double today.
David Flemming commented on June 04, 2009 07:31:
Very nice Kathy. Lovely colors. You are the Queen of Macro. Congratulations.
richard souders commented on June 04, 2009 08:49:
nice composing, the orange repeat works well...congrats
Dee Langevin commented on June 04, 2009 09:03:
I didn't know flys were voyeurs! Terrific detail in this wonderful macro Kathy! Congratulations on your double today!
Teri Moyer commented on June 04, 2009 09:15:
Oh, my! Excellent capture, Kathy, as always. Congratulations, again on another well done Macro POTD.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on June 04, 2009 09:17:
Wow, what a find and terrific capture of these amazing insects on the underside of this floral, Kathy! Superb detail & a bit of humor in this excellent macro winner. Big congrats on your double today too!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on June 04, 2009 09:43:
FABULOUS macro, Kathy. Congrats on your double today.
Linn Smith commented on June 04, 2009 10:37:
Big congratulations on your double win today! An amazing capture with lots of activity in the insect world...you have a great gift for bringing their world to life....a masterful piece of work!
Kathy Shogren commented on June 04, 2009 11:27:
Thank you Connie, Mike, Leif, Barbara, David, Richard, Dee, Teri, Patrice, Kirsten, and Linn. Thanks also to Kevin. The fly made a split-second landing and I was amazed that it was so in focus.
John Matthews commented on June 04, 2009 14:10:
OK,so today i was feeling quite pleased with myself for getting a decent macro of two Ladybirds doing you know what.I then see this incredible photo where you have the same thing,PLUS a Fly in the frame.And you still managed to get all 3 in focus.Absolutely amazing,and what a double you produced today.Big congratulations on another fabulous POTD.
Kathy Shogren commented on June 04, 2009 20:38:
LOL. Thanks John.

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