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Photo of the Day ~ Birds Category ~ June 14, 2009

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Image copyright © K Danyal All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

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by K Danyal (Darmok) 
Canon EOS 40-D
Rockland, Idaho
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
I went on a hummingbird banding trip this year as I usually do every year, but this was the first time with my canon 40D. I loved all the pictures but this one taken with a fixed canon 50mm lens with a quantaray 10x close up lens was on the top of my favs list. So, I hope you guys enjoy this and like it as much as I do.

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3.17 (6 votes)
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Connie Gordon commented on June 14, 2009 02:52:
I do I do. love it. I never heard of hummer banding do they only do that in your state. that would be very exciting. congrats on the new camera and the potd.
Linn Smith commented on June 14, 2009 08:02:
Superb feather detail and beautiful closeup of this hummingbird with a great background! Big congratulations on your win today!
John Matthews commented on June 14, 2009 12:15:
Great close up of an amazing coloured bird.Love the reflection in his eye.Congratulations on your POTD.
Suzanne Buckles commented on June 14, 2009 13:34:
So beautiful - what a wonderful experience the banding must have been. How do they catch them?
Tammy Espino commented on June 14, 2009 18:04:
Wow~ :)
Linda Cline commented on June 14, 2009 23:45:
That's beautiful! I can see why it's your favorite! Congrats on your win with this pretty little bird! Where did the banding take place?
K Danyal commented on June 15, 2009 23:39:
Wow, thank you guys for all your kind kind comments. I am currently at a conference at Big sky Montana and just got to see this win. Thanks PV for picking this shot as a winner. thank you all for your kind comments again. Connie, Humming bird banding is done anywhere on there migration paths at different times of the year. Suzanne, they catch them using cages with rope controlled drop doors and Linda, this banding was at Rockland, ID. It happens there every year on the memorial day weekend (I think two days
Ronny Hermans commented on June 20, 2009 05:36:
magnificent close up view, really like it. Those bands must be very small.

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