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Photo of the Day ~ Flowers & Plants Category ~ August 03, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Dov Oron All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Enjoying the Sun
by Dov Oron (doto) 
Panasonic Lumix FZ-8
Ginot Shomron

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3.00 (9 votes)
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Renee Harrell commented on August 03, 2009 07:43:
Congrats on your double today, Dov! Nice focus on the details here!
marilyn flanagan commented on August 03, 2009 07:49:
Dov Oron commented on August 03, 2009 13:31:
Thanks Renee and Marilyn, Your comments and support are deeply appreciated.
Norma Smiles commented on August 03, 2009 13:47:
Big congratulations on your double win today, Dov!
Linn Smith commented on August 03, 2009 19:12:
Great framing and lovely POV of this well photographed image...very beautiful! Congratulaitons on your win today!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on August 03, 2009 22:59:
A lovely capture of this gorgeous floral from a wonderful perspective with terrific framing & great textures. Congrats on a beautiful image, Dov!
Dov Oron commented on August 04, 2009 00:41:
thanks linn and Patrice for your kind words
mike marshall commented on August 04, 2009 01:56:
Beautiful colour and framing, Dov. And, hey, kudos on your double win!

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