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Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ August 24, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Robin-Lee Vieira All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Robin-Lee Vieira (Image-Anne) 
Olympus E-3
Rehoboth, Massachusetts
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Miniature Horse Portrait- This little guy is a tiny stallion named Razor.

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3.13 (8 votes)
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Melinda Schneider commented on August 24, 2009 00:02:
Beautiful capture of a beautiful horse! Congratulations, Robin-Lee!!
mike marshall commented on August 24, 2009 01:07:
Thought of you as soon as I saw this, Robin. Lovely shot with nice light, colour and detail. Congratulations! Hope Bill was kind as he made his way up the coast.
Kirsten Kjaer commented on August 24, 2009 04:36:
He's a beauty!!! Fantastic portrait! Huge congrats on your double today, Robin-Lee.
Renee Harrell commented on August 24, 2009 07:31:
What a handsome little guy, Robin! I first thought the "Razor" title was referring to his shaved muzzle...:0} Excellent portrait work, congrats on your POTD win!
richard souders commented on August 24, 2009 08:06:
congratulations on your double win today......
ellen hodges commented on August 24, 2009 08:34:
Congrats on a super cute and beautifully detailed capture, Robin-Lee!
William wrosenthal commented on August 24, 2009 12:11:
You captured a cute little guy with sad eyes very nicely. Congrats on the double today.
Linn Smith commented on August 24, 2009 12:41:
Razor's lighting, detail and wonderful pose make this a beautiful portrait, Robin-Lee! Really exceptional work...big congratulations on your double win today!
Dov Oron commented on August 24, 2009 15:06:
razor sharp with a very deep expression - well done again!
Heather V Hogg commented on August 24, 2009 16:39:
Congratulations on your double win today!! Lovely deatil shown here!!
Norma Smiles commented on August 24, 2009 18:21:
Fantastic detail and congratulations on your double win today, Robin-Lee.
Linda Cline commented on August 24, 2009 18:34:
What a beautiful portrait of this gorgeous animal! Congratulations on your double today!
Chrissy B commented on August 24, 2009 18:48:
Razor is ADORABLE Robin-Lee, great shot. :) Congratulations on your double Photo of the Day win. :) :)
Barbara Socor commented on August 24, 2009 20:16:
Fine lighting and terrific detail in this handsome portrait....Very nice shot Robin-Lee!
Mustafa Kizilcay commented on August 24, 2009 20:51:
Lovely image with great detail and expression, Robin-Lee. Another double POTD today for you! Big congratulations!
Maureen Bisson commented on August 24, 2009 22:38:
Such a handsome fellow and gorgeous capture Robin-Lee! Congratulations on your POTD double today!
SaMi Martin commented on August 24, 2009 23:04:
What a cutie; Congrats Robin-Lee!
Gerda Grice commented on August 24, 2009 23:57:
Excellent capture of the beautiful horse, Robin-Lee! many congratulations on your POTD for this and on your double!
Kathy Shogren commented on August 25, 2009 01:21:
Beautiful closeup. Congrats Robin-Lee on POTD and on your DBL!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on August 25, 2009 11:52:
Thanks so much! A real treat to come home and find these! Thanks bunches everyone! RL:)
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on August 25, 2009 23:23:
Razor shape, excellent expression, POV & detail. Truly a beautiful capture of a beautiful horse...big congrats & on your double too, Robin-Lee!
Sue P commented on September 09, 2009 20:41:
Wonderful capture!! Congrats!!

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