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Photo of the Day ~ Scenic & Landscape Category ~ August 26, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Martina Gulin All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Electric Charge
by Martina Gulin (martina23000) FIRST POTD!
Canon EOS 450-D / Canon Digital Rebel XSi
Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Photographer Notes:
Taken around 3:00 a.m. the other day. The thunders woke me up, so I quickly got up, grabbed my tripod, camera and remote and ran out to my balcony to capture these beauties... I waited for almost a year for such a storm to take place, and I'm pretty content with the results :-)

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Evy Johansen commented on August 26, 2009 00:49:
Wow.... Amazing capture, Martina. You really have reason to be proud!! Big congratulations on your POTD!!
mike marshall commented on August 26, 2009 01:35:
Content? This is an awesome First POTD, Martina. And you were blessed to shoot over water. Congratulations. Welcome!
Martina Gulin commented on August 26, 2009 01:58:
Thank you very much! :-)))
Linda Burgess commented on August 26, 2009 06:22:
Wow, that's amazing! I'd be over the moon if I'd got a superb shot like that! Many congratulations Martina on your 1st POTD!
Doug Havens commented on August 26, 2009 06:33:
Such amazing results! Such an awesome capture of the lightning itself, but you also managed to get some really nice reflections and some nocturnal sailboater. Big congrats on your first!
Linn Smith commented on August 26, 2009 07:07:
Your wait definitely paid off...big time! A spectacular image in every respect...great tones and superb capture of the strikes! Big congratulations on your first time win at PV and welcome to the site!
David Peterson commented on August 26, 2009 09:59:
Fantastic shot.
ellen hodges commented on August 26, 2009 11:59:
Congrats on a great capture, Martina!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on August 26, 2009 12:04:
This is an amazing capture Martin! Though lightning can be dangerous..it is also beautiful as you have shown here! Very nicely done..worth the wait and the effort! Big congrats on your 1st POTD and welcome to PV!!!:
William Wells commented on August 26, 2009 13:06:
Very nice! I got some lightening pics last night but not as nice as this one. Great job!
Martina Gulin commented on August 26, 2009 15:36:
Thanks everyone :-) I'm really glad you like it! You don't want to see how my first lightning shots (from last year) turned out... Ever since, I was preparing for this - something like a "probation" - I studied the technique, bought the tripod and finally the remote - and of course, I got very, very lucky :-)))
Linda Cline commented on August 26, 2009 23:59:
What a great first time POTD! This is just a gorgeous photo of the lightening, and the reflections in the water make it even more special! Congratulations on your win today!
Boris Žulj commented on August 27, 2009 14:26:
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on August 27, 2009 22:16:
Wow, this is one fantastic & amazing image, Martina, well worth the wait...so glad the storm awoke you. Big congratulations on your superb 1st POTD on PV & I look forward to seeing more of them!

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