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Photo of the Day ~ Scenic & Landscape Category ~ September 05, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Judy Baum All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

A Piece of Yellowstone
by Judy Baum (Judy Baum) 
Olympus E-3
Yellowstone, Montana
United States of America

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3.19 (8 votes)
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Sue P commented on September 05, 2009 00:18:
ellen hodges commented on September 05, 2009 02:31:
Congrats on a gorgeous capture, Judy!
duncan mackie commented on September 05, 2009 03:04:
just the right amount of steam for me Judy, did you have to wait long?
Linn Smith commented on September 05, 2009 08:42:
Gorgeous capture of the beauty Yellowstone is noted for! The colors and capture of the rising thermal is superb...big congratulations!
Lois Sturdivant commented on September 05, 2009 11:10:
Congrats, Judy! Lovely shot. (Pssst, Yellowstone is in Wyoming)
Wayne Suitor commented on September 05, 2009 11:42:
Nice shot Judy. I need to go back therer soon.
Judy Baum commented on September 05, 2009 13:29:
Thank you,everyone. Duncan, this isn't Old Faithful, but for Old Faithful we waited for about 30 minutes for it to erupt. It sure didn't seem as high as when we were there many, many years ago. But then, I've lost a lot of steam myself as I've aged. :-) Lois, Yellowstone is actually in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. But, mostly Wyoming. Why I said Montana I have no idea. lol Maybe because we stayed at W. Yellowstone which is in MT? ha, sounds good. Wayne, we want to get back soon, too. Let's all meet up.
William wrosenthal commented on September 05, 2009 16:09:
Those subtle sulfuric tones and steam hints at what is buried deep below. Nice shot. Congratulations.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on September 05, 2009 21:25:
Looks like a beautiful hot spring so nicely captured with the rising mist, the pretty blue waters & the volcanic rock looking FG...congrats on your winning image today, Judy!

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