Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Tuesday, September 29, 2009 » Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ September 29, 2009

Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ September 29, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © George Mock All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

All Wet
by George Mock (gmockrcpilot) 
Nikon D-90
Windsor, Ontario

Photographer Notes:
Just finished jumping into the Detroit River and waiting to go again.

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3.00 (7 votes)
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Jeannie Hannon commented on September 29, 2009 06:58:
You captured his excitement and energy well in this shot. Congrats!
Linn Smith commented on September 29, 2009 07:44:
A precious capture with his wet fur and the cute bounce to his step! And what great enthusiasm he has...you captured it so well! Big congratulations on your POTD!
Bill Lewis commented on September 29, 2009 10:25:
Congrats George, nice picture of a very cool dog!
Kathy Shogren commented on September 29, 2009 12:49:
A beautiful dog and capture. Congrats George on POTD!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on September 29, 2009 23:13:
Fabulous capture! I love the expression..the excellent detail and framing! Well done George! Congrats!
Renee Harrell commented on October 01, 2009 07:27:
Terrific pose, George! You caught him just in time...! Love the raised paw and I can imagine his tail wagging a mile a minute! Congratulations on your POTD win!

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