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Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ October 07, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Robin-Lee Vieira All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Robin-Lee Vieira (Image-Anne) 
Olympus E-3
Rehoboth, Massachusetts
United States of America

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3.44 (9 votes)
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William wrosenthal commented on October 07, 2009 00:42:
Looks like a stand off, Robin-Lee. I hope the photographer won. Nice detail in that shot and good expression on his face. Congratulations.
Efton Ellis commented on October 07, 2009 01:27:
Most times they skoot off but this one held its ground.Great use of selective focus Robin-Lee,congratulations.
Douglas Perry commented on October 07, 2009 06:11:
Did you have his camera? Congrats on your win.
Norma Smiles commented on October 07, 2009 06:45:
Wonderful detail and POV, Robin-Lee. You've even caught the remnants of his lunch on his whiskers. Love it!
Renee Harrell commented on October 07, 2009 07:18:
Excellent DOF, Robin-Lee! Super great focus with perfect details of his surprised expression! Congrats on your POTD win!
ellen hodges commented on October 07, 2009 07:21:
Congrats on a fantastic capture with awesome details, Robin-Lee!!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on October 07, 2009 07:23:
Oh, how cute! How absolutely adorable. Wonderful wild-life capture, Robin-Lee. Huge congrats!!
Barbara Socor commented on October 07, 2009 07:35:
Beautiful detail and excellent composition here....it does have the quality of a "stand off"! I think you won the portrait side of it! Congrats on this lovely capture Robin-Lee.
Linn Smith commented on October 07, 2009 08:52:
What a great pose...and taken from a perfect POV! Fantastic DOF and outstanding details captured with an adorable expression...congratulations on your win today!
Kathy Shogren commented on October 07, 2009 09:39:
Very nice upclose capture Robin-Lee. Congrats on POTD!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on October 07, 2009 11:49:
Thanks so much PV..and thanks bunches to everyone for their kind comments! I'v had a bit of fun with the backyard critters this past Summer..some of which got a wee bit curious..like this one!:)
Dov Oron commented on October 07, 2009 12:31:
apart from the magnificent detail and dof, this one brought a big smile, well done my friend :)
Teri Moyer commented on October 07, 2009 18:40:
Cute little guy that robs my birdfeeder all the time! Well done detail with excellent DOF! Congratulations on your win today!
sue anne rush commented on October 07, 2009 20:23:
Wow, looking right at me, very nice portrait !
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on October 07, 2009 21:53:
How darling, Robin-Lee :) Love the wonderful pose, the expressive eyes and that cute dirty little chin too. Congrats on your awesome winner today!!!
susie peek-swint commented on October 18, 2009 17:15:
Perfect focus and great expression .. love the dirt on the nose ~ many congrats!
Julie Christiansen commented on January 01, 2010 20:02:
Congrats and looks at that dirty little mug.........love this for sure.

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