Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Thursday, November 12, 2009 » Photo of the Day ~ Humor (11-2009) Category ~ November 12, 2009

Photo of the Day ~ Humor (11-2009) Category ~ November 12, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Diman Oschepkov All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Mistake Love
by Diman Oschepkov (Digital Zombie) 
Pentax K10D
Russian Federation

Photographer Notes:
real hedgehog brought from the forest. Have been our guest for a day, liked sausage and milk, was happy when going back to the forest

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3.15 (10 votes)
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William wrosenthal commented on November 12, 2009 00:44:
Excellent photo. Congratulations!
Renee Harrell commented on November 12, 2009 07:45:
Cute...! Wouldn't think they make good pets... Well composed with great exposure and details. Congrats on your win today!
Steve Webb commented on November 12, 2009 08:08:
Wonderful composition, well done Diman.
Linn Smith commented on November 12, 2009 09:04:
Very cute and a welcome visitor...wonderful sharpness and clever entry in this theme division! Big congratulations!
Diman Oschepkov commented on November 12, 2009 10:19:
Thank you all for the congratulations. Also I'd like to thank my bristling model for patience. Hope he's gone to sleep already :)
Anait Abramian commented on November 12, 2009 16:01:
Privet i posdravliau, priatno videt' foto iz Rocii, otlichnaia pabota

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