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Photo of the Day ~ Street Scenes Category ~ November 19, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © richard souders All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

At the Counter
by richard souders (rsoud) 
Olympus E-510
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Zd14-54 lens. reading Terminal Market

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2.81 (8 votes)
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Renee Harrell commented on November 19, 2009 07:14:
Awesome exposure and detail, Richard! Terrific color tones as well. Congrats on your POTD!
Linn Smith commented on November 19, 2009 09:23:
An everyday street scene made special with your wonderful capture of the moment! Great color, details and good activity...congratulations on your win today!
Bill Lewis commented on November 19, 2009 10:45:
Yes, what they said above. This one "puts you there", very nice feeling.
Lois Sturdivant commented on November 19, 2009 12:00:
Congrats, Richard! Great shot: composition, colors, sharpness.
Bill Turner commented on November 19, 2009 14:35:
Richard, Excellent!
Efton Ellis commented on November 19, 2009 19:06:
Great capture Richard, the color tones are fantastic.Congrats on this POTD.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on November 19, 2009 22:28:
A wonderful capture of the moment at the Terminal Market, congrats, Richard!
Kathy Shogren commented on November 20, 2009 00:02:
Wonderful colors and lighting. Congrats Richard on POTD!
richard souders commented on November 20, 2009 00:58:
Thank you all for your kind comments, much appreciated. Thank you POTD for the selection......
Lorraine T. Lynch commented on November 20, 2009 17:27:
I'll have a cup of coffee please! Alot of things to view and great details as well! You gotta love the old diners!

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