Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Thursday, November 26, 2009 » Photo of the Day ~ Shades of Grey Category ~ November 26, 2009

Photo of the Day ~ Shades of Grey Category ~ November 26, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © richard souders All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Two Bikes in Black and White
by richard souders (rsoud) 
Olympus E-510
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Zd14-54 lens

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2.79 (7 votes)
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Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on November 26, 2009 12:08:
A nice street scene in B&W showing a lot of activity with nice depth and the FG interest of the bikes...congrats & Happy Thanksgiving, Richard!
Linn Smith commented on November 26, 2009 18:06:
Terrific perspective showing the viewers a wide range of the activity and interest along this street! Wonderful range of tones...congratulations on your win today!
susie peek-swint commented on November 26, 2009 19:31:
Great street scene Richard.. lots of good detail and perfect for B&W ~ many congrats on POTD!
Kathy Shogren commented on November 26, 2009 22:35:
Very nice street scene, works well in b&w. Congrats Richard on POTD1
Efton Ellis commented on November 26, 2009 23:25:
A nice street scene showing lots of activity. Congrats Richard on your POTD.
richard souders commented on November 27, 2009 00:14:
thank you to everyone for your kind comments, they are greatly appreciated; thank you POTD for this selection......

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