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Photo of the Day ~ People & Street Category ~ January 17, 2010

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Image copyright © Alex Mackie All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The Warrior
by Alex Mackie (amackie) 
Canon EOS 40-D
Ottawa, Ontario

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3.96 (14 votes)
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Alex Mackie commented on January 17, 2010 00:16:
Gazing in the mirror, I see a warrior’s face. Fully clothed in armor, No fear and no disgrace. A tear it never offers, A smile it always gives, No sadness does it show, But what a life it lives. Needles going in As blood is taken out, But still no sign of pain, No cries to make you doubt. Each day you see this person, And think that they’re so brave, Each day you see us laughing, The tears are ours to save. So when you see our armor, And think we’re calm and mild, Remember this one
Alex Mackie commented on January 17, 2010 00:18:
thing the warrior is a child. Thank-you to the judge who chose this image as POTD today. This is my little warrior Makenna and she is a Cancer Survivor.
Evy Johansen commented on January 17, 2010 01:23:
So very sad, Alex!! Lovely portrait, Alex! Congratulations on your POTD! And good luck in the future!!
Alan Hart commented on January 17, 2010 02:50:
A beautiful portrait with great emotional depth - best wishes to Makenna!
Teri Moyer commented on January 17, 2010 08:11:
A very beautiful image of a true warrior! Congratulations to you and to Makenna!
Linn Smith commented on January 17, 2010 08:33:
You captured her brave and courgeous spirit perfectly! Her eyes and sweet expression carry her strong determination to survive! A beautiful and memorable image of a powerful little warrior...congratulations on her heroic strength of character!
Betty Batten commented on January 17, 2010 08:46:
A lovely portrait, looking at it one would never know what shes been through. Also love the comment. May her cancer stay in remission. Congratulations on your POTD and on her succesful fight!!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on January 17, 2010 11:28:
I knew a youth like your beautiful Makenna whose life has had a lasting impact upon mine. What a touching story you shared with us so full of hope in the midst of great suffering & trials, this priceless face has lite up the lives of many but most especially yours. What a fantastic portrait & a most powerful story...love the sparkle in those precious eyes...many congrats, Alex!
Bill Foxworthy commented on January 17, 2010 12:22:
Beautiful words and a warrior for sure. Congratulations on a fine image Alex!
ellen hodges commented on January 17, 2010 13:32:
Gorgeous capture of your gorgeous daughter! Congrats and so happy to hear that she's winning, too!!!
Renee Harrell commented on January 17, 2010 17:07:
She's beautiful, Alex! Love the Sepia touch! I see the trust deep within her eyes...for you to be her strength. Best of luck! Children have regenerating qualities older people don't. Congrats on a very moving POTD win!
Karen Allen commented on January 17, 2010 19:16:
Exquisite portrait Alex! You should be so very proud... not only of your photo but of the beautiful warrior you have there! She is indeed a treasure and so is the poem!
Alex Mackie commented on January 17, 2010 20:22:
Thank-you everyone for the kind comments. Makenna was diagnosed with Bi-Lateral Retinoblastoma at the age of 3 months old. She had her right eye removed and underwent 2 years of treatment to save her left eye. We are now almost 4 years in remission. I have taken many portraits of my daughter, but for some reason this one strikes a chord for me.
SaMi Martin commented on January 17, 2010 20:38:
WTG Makenna & Dad; Congrats!

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