Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Friday, January 29, 2010 » Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ January 29, 2010

Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ January 29, 2010

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Sharon Isern All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Birds of a Feather
by Sharon Isern (Sjoquist) 
Nikon D-200
Jacksonville, Florida
United States of America

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3.70 (10 votes)
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Evy Johansen commented on January 29, 2010 00:18:
Wonderful capture, Sharon! Congratulations on your POTD!!
ellen hodges commented on January 29, 2010 06:31:
Congrats on a fantastic capture, Sharon!
Amanda Cannon commented on January 29, 2010 06:48:
Congrats to you on a lovely POTD! Pelicans just have somuch character and beauty to them. They look like they are kings of this log...Great capture!
Linn Smith commented on January 29, 2010 07:56:
Terrific feather details and wonderful capture with the two of them side by side captured with excellent lighting! Big congratulations on your win today, Sharon!
Kathy Shogren commented on January 29, 2010 10:22:
Wonderful capture with nice details Sharon. Congrats!
Ron English commented on January 29, 2010 13:53:
Great detail, Sharon. Congratulations on your POTD.
Betty Batten commented on January 29, 2010 16:22:
Great shot,sis, much better than mine. Congrats on your POTD!
Barbara Socor commented on January 29, 2010 21:30:
Wonderful detail and rich color in a beautiful composition....An excellent capture Sharon!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on January 29, 2010 22:07:
Too cute, Sharon, as they nestle together on the log...great shot with wonderful detail & lighting...congrats!

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