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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ March 07, 2010

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Image copyright © Ron English All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The First Hockey Goalie's Mask
by Ron English (Scanlon) 
Olympus E-510
Ottawa, Ontario

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Kathy Shogren commented on March 07, 2010 11:41:
This is very cool Ron. Part of the Olympics festivities? Anyway, nicely taken and congrats on POTD!
Ron English commented on March 07, 2010 12:34:
Thanks, Kathy. This is part of Winterlude, in Ottawa, commemorating the "birth" (50 years)of the first mask, worn by Jacques Plante, the goalie for the Montreal Canadiens.
Ron English commented on March 07, 2010 12:34:
Thanks, Kathy. This is part of Winterlude, in Ottawa, commemorating the "birth" (50 years)of the first mask, worn by Jacques Plante, the goalie for the Montreal Canadiens.
Linn Smith commented on March 07, 2010 14:04:
Congratulations, Ron, on a very interesting and informative work of sculpture! Well seen and captured with wonderful exposure on the whites!
Barbara Socor commented on March 07, 2010 16:23:
A fine shot Ron...and interesting to learn about. Very well framed and shot. Congrats!
Ron English commented on March 07, 2010 20:17:
Thanks, Linn & Kathy.
Caroline Brogen commented on March 07, 2010 21:27:
Being a lifetime, die-hard Bruins fan, I know I should hate this shot but honestly think it's VERY creative...Good eye to catch it!! : )
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on March 07, 2010 21:58:
Looks like a snow sculpture...very well seen & photographed, Ron, congrats!
Ron English commented on March 07, 2010 22:35:
Thanks, Caroline (act of bravery on your part)& Patrice (it was one of the many amazing snow sculptures at Winterlude this year)
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on March 08, 2010 08:18:
By the way, Ron, I am an avid Redwings fan. Really enjoyed the hockey Olympic games, especially the exciting games between the US & Canada...both great games & a gold for Canada. Somehow, however, I think they should have shared a gold or played another game as they each only lost 1 game to each other & therefore, in all essence were tied. Guess it is not like the Stanley Cup Games. That is just how it worked out & a good lesson on life---some things just need to be accepted as they are because that is
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on March 08, 2010 08:19:
the way it is.
Ron English commented on March 08, 2010 19:04:
Thanks again, Patrice. I'm more of a basketball guy these days, but in my yournger days, I was a die-hard Canadiens fan, but loved the old Wings, - Howe, Stevie Y, etc.

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