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Photo of the Day ~ People & Street Category ~ March 14, 2010

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Image copyright © Monico Havier All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The Final Journey for an American Hero
by Monico Havier (monico3141) 
Sony A900
Washington, DC
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
I attended a military funeral at Arlington National Cemetery for my great uncle last month. It was truly the most humbling experience I have ever had at a funeral. Arlington seems to amplify everything about a military funeral and make it that much more meaningful.

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3.75 (8 votes)
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Teri Moyer commented on March 14, 2010 09:40:
Truly a touching scene! Congratulations on your win today!
Linn Smith commented on March 14, 2010 14:02:
A very somber and reflective moment...a wonderful honor and tribute to your great uncle! Congratulations on your POTD!
Diane Kroupa commented on March 14, 2010 19:11:
A very sobering ceremony that makes your heart ache and swell with pride at the same time. We are very fortunate to have such brave men and women in our Armed Forces like your Uncle to serve and preserve our freedoms.
Monico Havier commented on March 14, 2010 21:54:
Thank you Teri, Linn and Diane. The biggest challenge I faced that day was figuring out when to shoot a picture and when to put my camera away and just be part of the service. There were countless times I could have shot a POTD, but sometimes you just need to set the camera aside and be a family member. Col. Henry Brooks Wilson (U.S Army Air Force, ret.) was a bomber pilot who flew 25 missions over Europe in WWII. After the war he became a teacher, husband and father. Like all veterans, he was truly an Amer
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on March 14, 2010 22:51:
What a memorable capture for the family, Monico. Well done & quite touching. I am drawn to the soldiers on the white horses pulling the casket & the empty saddle...congrats, & thanks for sharing!

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