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Photo of the Day ~ People & Street Category ~ March 15, 2010

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Dov Oron All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Market at Night
by Dov Oron (doto) 
Panasonic Lumix FZ-8

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3.57 (7 votes)
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ellen hodges commented on March 15, 2010 06:56:
Beautiful capture, Dov! Love the pov. Congrats!
Karen Allen commented on March 15, 2010 09:38:
Excellent perspective and framing for such a detailed and colorful image! Great job and congrats on the POTD!
Linn Smith commented on March 15, 2010 10:10:
Wonderful framing on this well seen street scene showing good activity and terrific color! Congratulations on your win today!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on March 15, 2010 14:46:
Nice framing in this colorful street scene composition, Dov. Looks like there is a lot of healthy foods at this market...fresh is best. Congrats!
Kathy Shogren commented on March 15, 2010 21:13:
Wonderful colors and dof for a fascinating image. Congrats Dov on POTD!
Pam York commented on March 15, 2010 21:18:
great lighting and clarity
Dov Oron commented on March 16, 2010 00:27:
thank you all very much, your comments are really appreciated.

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