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Photo of the Day ~ Art & Abstract Category ~ April 18, 2010

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © David B. Williams All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The Visitor
by David B. Williams (David B. Williams) 
Canon EOS 40-D
Frederick, Maryland
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
In post processing, the background was isolated and removed then replaced by a solid black background.

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3.67 (6 votes)
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Karen Allen commented on April 18, 2010 00:15:
Beautiful image and treatment! Congrats on your POTD win!
Teri Moyer commented on April 18, 2010 09:47:
This is by far one of the best bleeding heart images I've seen! Congratulations on this terrific POTD!
Barbara Socor commented on April 18, 2010 17:24:
Very lovely image...elegant really....Congrats on your fine win David!
Linn Smith commented on April 18, 2010 21:01:
Superb capture of this bleeding heart having added interest with the butterfly...terrific work! Big congratulations!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on April 19, 2010 00:01:
The black BG really makes this attractive composition pop, nicely done, David, congrats!
David B. Williams commented on April 19, 2010 17:52:
Karen, Teri, Barbara, Linn and Patrice, that you very much for your comments. I am happy this one qualified.

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