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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ May 15, 2010

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Guy Longtin All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Guy Longtin (chieflong) 
Canon EOS 50-D
Toronto, Ontario

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3.75 (6 votes)
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Jane Mountain commented on May 15, 2010 00:39:
Really nice. The tone of the colors set a nice mood and atmosphere. Great composition too. Well done!
Linn Smith commented on May 15, 2010 11:24:
Wonderful capture of the evening lights surrounding this ship creating a surreal like look! Congratulations on your win today!
Nancy Harker commented on May 15, 2010 12:11:
FANTASTIC lighting and capture, Thats one HUGE boat!!!! Congrats on POTD!!!
Tom Briggs commented on May 15, 2010 16:37:
I really like this one, Guy. Something about night captures, the lights and what that creates. Well done and congratulations on your winner today.
Evy Johansen commented on May 15, 2010 21:39:
Beautiful light and tones! Wonderful image, Guy! Congratulations on your POTD!!
Kathy Shogren commented on May 16, 2010 00:13:
Beautiful lighting and comp. Congrats Guy on POTD!
gene zonis commented on May 16, 2010 18:30:
Like everything about this photo-color, composition, mood.

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