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Photo of the Day ~ Art & Abstract Category ~ July 07, 2010

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Bonnie Lackey All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Life in the Round
by Bonnie Lackey (forbescat) 
Nikon D-700
Spokane, Washington
United States of America

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3.60 (5 votes)
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Jane Mountain commented on July 07, 2010 02:33:
Interesting effect - almost an old mezzotint or etched print look. Well done!
Linn Smith commented on July 07, 2010 08:14:
Excellent treatment! The image is beautifully presented with a wonderful result...great work and big congratulations!
Barbara Socor commented on July 07, 2010 11:06:
Yes, I really find the treatment here very effective for the subject and very appealing to the eye....an outstanding range of lights and darks and just overall elegant...Beautiful work Bonnie! Congrats on a fine win.
Mustafa Kizilcay commented on July 07, 2010 11:28:
A very effective image, perfectly processed. Congratulations, Bonnie!
Sharon Isern commented on July 07, 2010 11:50:
Great edit.
Sharon Isern commented on July 07, 2010 11:50:
Great edit.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on July 07, 2010 22:03:
What an elegant presentation with lovely tones & artistry...congrats on this beauty, Bonnie!

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