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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ December 19, 2010

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Image copyright © Evy Johansen All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Drifting Snow
by Evy Johansen (evy) 
Canon EOS 5-D Mark II

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3.42 (6 votes)
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ellen hodges commented on December 19, 2010 08:31:
Congrats on a super beautiful capture with awesome light, Evy!
NJ Mravich commented on December 19, 2010 09:18:
Nice composition of a simple winter scene. Congrats
Leon Jackson commented on December 19, 2010 09:18:
perfect photo for the winter season...merry x'mas!
Amy Baker commented on December 19, 2010 10:38:
This is very pretty, serene and peaceful. Congratulations on your POTD.
Bill Foxworthy commented on December 19, 2010 12:11:
Superb Evy, congratulations.
William wrosenthal commented on December 19, 2010 15:28:
A very interesting take on a bleak landscape. Just shows that there is color and interest in everything. Congratulations.
Linn Smith commented on December 19, 2010 16:51:
Lovely lighting showcasing key elements that make up a beautiful winter scene! Congratulations on your win today, Evy!
Ron English commented on December 19, 2010 19:49:
Beautiful light and excellent exposure, Evy! Congrats on your POTD.
Evy Johansen commented on December 19, 2010 19:59:
Thank you so very much Ellen, NJ, Leon, Amy, Bill, William, Linn and Ron!! And thanks to PV for the POTD!!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on December 19, 2010 20:06:
Lovely lighting, Evy, & nice exposure on the whites depicting the neat ripple patterns on the snow from the blowing wind. Congrats on a clever take!
Evy Johansen commented on December 19, 2010 20:24:
Thank you, Pat!!
Efton Ellis commented on December 19, 2010 20:53:
Well captured with beautiful lighting. The differing patterns on the snow and the build-up on the shrubs are really nice. Congrats Evy.
Ivan Quiros commented on December 19, 2010 23:39:
Nice winter composition and lighting Evy. Congratulions on this win.
Dov Oron commented on December 20, 2010 00:20:
You caught the light and hint of motion Perfectly Evy - lovely shot!
Evy Johansen commented on December 20, 2010 01:48:
Thanks a lot Efton, Ivan and Dov!!
Evy Johansen commented on December 20, 2010 01:48:
Thanks a lot Efton, Ivan and Dov!!

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