Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Thursday, January 6, 2011 » Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ January 06, 2011

Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ January 06, 2011

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Helmut Mueller All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Saw-whet Owl
by Helmut Mueller (helmutnc) 
Sony A100
Cedar Grove, Wisconsin
United States of America

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3.40 (5 votes)
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Dave Longfellow commented on January 06, 2011 07:49:
Congratulations on spotting this guy and getting a good image.
Linn Smith commented on January 06, 2011 12:32:
Such a cute little owl, well seen, Helmut! Photographing birds takes long observation and alot of patience...you did a great job in spotting this one! Big congratulations!
Chris Picard commented on January 06, 2011 14:18:
Hard to see and hard to photograph in the wild, when you do get a nice capture it's special. And this is a nice one. Congratulations Helmut.
ellen h commented on January 06, 2011 14:32:
Congrats on a fantastic find and capture, Helmut!!

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