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Photo of the Day ~ Plants, Flowers & Landscapes Category ~ January 11, 2011

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © J.R Smithers All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Ice Covered Tree
by J.R Smithers (serventforhim) FIRST POTD!
Nikon D-3000

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4.00 (8 votes)
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Linn Smith commented on January 11, 2011 18:13:
Big congratulations on your first time win at PV! An outstanding capture of a unique image showing well the heavy snow in China! Wonderful exposure on the snow covered trees. Welcome to the site!
Jeannie Hannon commented on January 11, 2011 19:40:
WOW! What a capture. That's a lot of ice. I hope the tree survives. Congrats on your first POTD!
AmyB commented on January 11, 2011 20:41:
WOW! That is incredible! What a capture! Congratulations on your first POTD today!
AmyB commented on January 11, 2011 20:41:
WOW! That is incredible! What a capture! Congratulations on your first POTD today!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on January 11, 2011 22:05:
Wow, this must have been some ice storm you experienced. What a unique, incredible capture, Daniel! Big congratulations on your 1st POTD on PV & welcome to the site!
ellen hodges commented on January 11, 2011 22:17:
Congrats on a super capture and your first POTD, Daniel!!
Angela Irvine commented on January 11, 2011 23:11:
Amazing photo. It looks like a sculptured work of art. Truly a human hand could not have conceived anything more beautiful. Congratulations and welcome to POTD
Ivan Quiros commented on January 12, 2011 00:12:
Very nice pic for your first podt win. Congratulations.
Gigi Reyes commented on January 12, 2011 00:48:
Beautiful shot! Congratulations on your first POTD. I'm pretty sure this will just be the first among many wins. Could be pass off as part of the Harbin ice sculptures. Haven't been there though, but I've seen the ones in Japan.
NJ Mravich commented on January 12, 2011 17:02:
What a neat natures sculpture!!! Congrats!
Antonin Vystrcil commented on January 12, 2011 19:32:
Very nice photo for your first POTD win. ... Congrats, Danieli!

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