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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ January 19, 2011

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Kristine Carpenter All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Point Betsie Sunset
by Kristine Carpenter (KristineCarpenter) 
Fujifilm FinePix S5
Point Betsie, Michigan
United States of America

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4.33 (12 votes)
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Angela Irvine commented on January 19, 2011 00:11:
Hauntingly beautiful. The light is spectacular and it's wonderfully framed. A memorable photo.
Stephen Elliott commented on January 19, 2011 06:24:
Wow, beautiful capture
Dave Longfellow commented on January 19, 2011 07:54:
Well done. Excellent lighting and interesting sky.
Linn Smith commented on January 19, 2011 08:17:
Wow! Magnificent light casting a lovely pink glow on the entire frame due to the rising sun! Beautiful work taken from a wonderful perspective...congratulations on your win today!
Jeannie Hannon commented on January 19, 2011 09:21:
WOW! What details and textures captured in this scenic shot. Congrats on your POTD!!!
Milan Binicki commented on January 19, 2011 11:19:
Excellent photo!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on January 19, 2011 11:37:
The beautiful pink colors of sunset & their glow are so striking within this composition. Really nice perspective capturing the attraction of the lake effect snow & ice over the grasses. Congrats, Kristine!
Judy Foxworthy commented on January 19, 2011 12:05:
Beautifully captured. Love the pink glow. Congratulations!
Roger Mullenhour commented on January 19, 2011 12:07:
This is stunning Kristine. The lighting is wonderful and you have captured it perfectly. Congrats on your POTD!
Jane Mountain commented on January 19, 2011 13:01:
I agree, WOW! Stunning image all around - colors, composition, subject. Big congrats!
Kristine Carpenter commented on January 19, 2011 13:21:
Thank you to everyone for the kind comments. Pt. Betsie is one of my favorite places on earth. Especially beautiful in winter.
sue anne rush commented on January 19, 2011 16:25:
Beautiful and love the color. Congrats !
Charlene Ahrens commented on January 19, 2011 18:16:
Absolutely impressive and beautiful. Definitely deserves POTD!!!!
ellen hodges commented on January 19, 2011 20:55:
Congrats on an awesome capture, Kristine!!!
Amy Baker commented on January 20, 2011 07:30:
This is just an amazing picture! The pink glow, the layers, the depth, the clarity...stunning! Congrats on this well deserved POTD!
Stjepan Janekovic commented on January 20, 2011 07:51:
beautiful lighting:-))
NJ Mravich commented on January 20, 2011 13:25:
Just a beautiful photo!!! Wonderfully done!! Congrats.
Antonin Vystrcil commented on January 20, 2011 17:47:
Magic ... Great composition and lighting. Excellent work! ... Congrats, Kristine !
Julie Christiansen commented on January 21, 2011 05:51:
Like WOW.
gene zonis commented on January 21, 2011 08:05:
gene zonis commented on January 21, 2011 08:05:
Susan Gordon commented on January 21, 2011 12:01:
That is a beautiful composition -- what a color!!! all the previous comments say it all. I'll only say "ditto" to them all.
Monnie Ryan commented on January 22, 2011 10:08:
Great lighthouse, and I'd love to see it in the winter! Beautifully captured -- congratulations!

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