Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Sunday, January 30, 2011 » Photo of the Day ~ Plants, Flowers & Landscapes Category ~ January 30, 2011

Photo of the Day ~ Plants, Flowers & Landscapes Category ~ January 30, 2011

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Milan Binicki All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Milan Binicki (bina) FIRST POTD!
Canon EOS 40-D
Somewhere in...
Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

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3.93 (7 votes)
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Ivana Demikeli commented on January 30, 2011 04:06:
Cestitke na prvoj POTD!
Boris Žulj commented on January 30, 2011 04:50:
Cestitam! Dobrodošao na ovaj site! Ja sam ovdje dugo, a ima nas još par iz Hrvatske. Congratulations on your first POTD!
Milan Binicki commented on January 30, 2011 04:51:
Hvala Ivana
Milan Binicki commented on January 30, 2011 04:51:
Hvala Boris!
Antonin Vystrcil commented on January 30, 2011 08:24:
Nice detail and composition. .. Congratulations on your first POTD, Milan !!
Denise Garcia commented on January 30, 2011 09:40:
Beautiful. Congratulations on your first POTD.
Teri Moyer commented on January 30, 2011 10:35:
Very beautiful image! Congratulations on your very fine and first of many POTDs!
Milan Binicki commented on January 30, 2011 12:53:
Thanks everyone
Linn Smith commented on January 30, 2011 12:55:
What a beautiful first time win at PV! Great composition with wonderful detail and excellent color! Big congratulations and welcome to the site!
sue anne rush commented on January 30, 2011 16:48:
Sharp red against the blue. Congrats on your first POTD !
Ana Gašparovic commented on January 30, 2011 16:52:
Cestitam! Znala sam da ce ova fotka biti izuzetno primjecena kad ju pustiš u svijet :)))) Bravo!
Judy Foxworthy commented on January 30, 2011 17:52:
Congratulations on your first POTD. Very Pretty.
Tom Bower commented on January 30, 2011 19:32:
A truly fascinating photo...congrats!
Luis Bettiol commented on January 30, 2011 20:07:
Congratulations on your first POTD, nice colors and point of view. Please allow me a very personal comment: This is a U.S. site which opens its door to us all photo enthusiasts around the world, so it will seem appropriate to use the site language. I am US foreign too, and make an effort to express myself in English as a basic courtesy, as well as other foreign members do
Ella Duffin commented on January 30, 2011 20:40:
Frozen on the stem and frozen in time! Congratulations on a beautiful first POTD. I'm sure it's only the first of many more to come.
Evy Johansen commented on January 30, 2011 22:20:
Great capture with beautiful details, Milan! Congratulations on your first POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on January 30, 2011 22:45:
Extraordinary detail in a fascinating diagonal composition. Many congratulations, Milian, on your 1st PV winner & welcome!
NJ Mravich commented on January 31, 2011 20:05:
A very interesting and colorful capture. Congrats.

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