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Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ April 05, 2011

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Image copyright © Linn Smith All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

High Wire Spinner
by Linn Smith (artisopus) 
Canon EOS 5-D
Oviedo, Florida
United States of America

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4.40 (5 votes)
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Teri Moyer commented on April 05, 2011 07:32:
Very cool macro with great color! Congratulations Linn on this great POTD!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on April 05, 2011 07:48:
What a special Spider!! A very unique macro, Linn. Congratulations on your fine win today.
Amy Baker commented on April 05, 2011 07:51:
WOW! That is awsome! Congratulations on your POTD today. I have never seen a spider quite like that one!
Amy Baker commented on April 05, 2011 07:51:
WOW! That is awsome! Congratulations on your POTD today. I have never seen a spider quite like that one!
Linn Smith commented on April 05, 2011 10:35:
This is known as a Jewel Box Spider. The six spine-like projections on the abdomen are characteristic of this species. We have many living around our house...thank you for your kind comments!
Chris Picard commented on April 05, 2011 11:22:
What an unusal looking spider Linn. I have never before seen one but it sounds like you see then often. Good job of capturing this little guy with all it's interesting shapes and colors.
Christine Czernin commented on April 05, 2011 11:42:
As others said, I have never seen such an unusual looking spider. Like from a fantasy film. And you captured it beautifully, Linn. Congrats on your win.
ellen hodges commented on April 05, 2011 13:54:
Huge congrats on a fabulous winner, Linn!! Awesome detail and beauty!!
Jeannie Hannon commented on April 05, 2011 14:17:
WOW! I have never seen anything like this. Looks like a SiFi critter :) Awesome capture Linn. Congrats on your POTD!!!
sue anne rush commented on April 05, 2011 14:51:
That is a very unusual colorful spider ! Congrats !
SaMi Martin commented on April 05, 2011 17:05:
YUK YUK YUK....he is one ugly spider; however you have captured it very well with lots of detail. Congrats Linn!
Mustafa Kizilcay commented on April 05, 2011 17:11:
Linn, this is a fantastic macro. That spider is a special specimen for my region. Congratulations!
Douglas Perry commented on April 05, 2011 19:32:
Now that is an interesting spider. But you can still keep him. Congrats!
Ron English commented on April 05, 2011 22:29:
A very colorful spider and well captured, Linn. Congrats on your win.
Suzana Celic commented on April 06, 2011 03:37:
Congrats on your amazing shot!
NJ Mravich commented on April 06, 2011 20:57:
Wonderful macro!!! Just fantastic and such a unique looking creature!! Congrats Linn
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on April 09, 2011 20:41:
What a fantastic macro of this jeweled spider, Linn. Terrific lighting, DOF & detail especially to capture the six spine-like projections on the abdomen. Glad we do not have them around here, although I think they are quite harmless....congrats!!!
susie peek-swint commented on April 11, 2011 02:57:
Fascinating spider Linn .. have never seen this one before ~ terrific macro capture ~ belated congrats on POTD!

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