Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Thursday, June 9, 2011 » Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ June 09, 2011

Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ June 09, 2011

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Leif Kjaer All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

I'll Do Anything for a Photographer
by Leif Kjaer (lk) 
Canon EOS 30-D

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3.87 (15 votes)
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Linn Smith commented on June 09, 2011 07:47:
So glad to see this again, Leif! A terrific image! What an adorable pose, great timing with good color and wonderful details! Congratulations on your win today!
Jeannie Hannon commented on June 09, 2011 11:03:
What great timing on this capture!!! He has his eye on you! Congrats on your POTD!
Bill Foxworthy commented on June 09, 2011 15:09:
Congratulations on your POTD Leif!
Dee Langevin commented on June 09, 2011 17:04:
Great capture Leif - not your average pose!! Congratulations on your POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on June 09, 2011 20:50:
Horses just love to roll in the grass & dirt (especially after a bath) & you caught this one just at the right moment....simply love it. Reminds me of my dog doing a roll over before a treat. Brings a smile to my face :) Big congrats, Leif!
Barbara Socor commented on June 09, 2011 21:50:
Terrific capture! Congrats on a memorable image Leif.
Ron English commented on June 09, 2011 22:06:
Terrific pose and clarity, Leif. Congrats on your win.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:52:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:53:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:54:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:54:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:54:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:57:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:57:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:57:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:57:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:57:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:57:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:57:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
Leif Kjaer commented on June 11, 2011 07:57:
Thank you so much, you kind people, Linn, Jeannie, Bill, Dee, Patrice, Barbara and Ron for your comments and congratulations. Leif.
ellen hodges commented on June 13, 2011 10:07:
Huge congrats and a fantastic and fun winner, Leif!!

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