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World in Pictures Day II Entry ~ Joy Cobb

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Joy Cobb All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Mother Nature Prank
by Joy Cobb (JoyCobb) 
Kodak Z612
Kingsville, Ohio
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Snow on a spring hyacinth.

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Kathy Shogren commented on April 09, 2007 10:39:
It's not nice to fool Mother Nature! Wonderful colors and capture Joy.
Jill commented on April 09, 2007 13:04:
Winter and spring all in one lovely image! :-)
Sylvia commented on April 09, 2007 14:56:
Beautiful picture Joy !! Can you believe it, it's so hot that we are almost running in t-shorts and shorts over here in Middle Europe ?? Usually we have the snow and you have the sun :O)
Evy Johansen commented on April 09, 2007 15:15:
Wonderful capture, Joy! Winter and spring...
Joy Cobb commented on April 09, 2007 16:21:
Thank you for your nice comments, Kathy, Jill, Sylvia and Evy! :) Send us some of that warm weather, Sylvia...please....... :)
Mary C Legg commented on April 09, 2007 20:13:
bbc wamts your pictures this week of this kind of weather-- go to bbc.co.uk.co and look for have your say and then look for the submisisons details. it tried to snow last week but fortunately did not succeed-- is very dry and the weather is very iffy. one minute warm and two hours later cold.
Claudia commented on April 09, 2007 20:23:
Yikes! Brr... nice capture!
Linn Smith commented on April 09, 2007 22:24:
Strange weather all over the country. Here in Florida, people are amazed we are having cool temperatures for April. Thanks for displaying such a good illustration of "life in the Midwest."
LaRee Brownell commented on April 10, 2007 01:09:
Brrrr Joy. What a spring capture. It has been a downright chilly spring everywhere.
Mark Westlake commented on April 10, 2007 05:55:
Looks chilly!Nicely done Joy,two seasons at the same time!
Joy Cobb commented on April 10, 2007 08:37:
Thank you, Pogo, Claudia, Linn, LaRee and Mark! We had a lot of snow on Easter Sunday, too. All our poor Spring flowers are bent and buried, and the new buds are 'burnt' on the trees. Mother Nature is up to mischief this year!
jan commented on April 10, 2007 09:08:
Julie commented on April 10, 2007 09:55:
Looks cold. Very well done.
Gord Barter commented on April 10, 2007 16:58:
Joy, what a beautiful shot, but it looks to me you need to keep the snow down there! LOL
Colleen Prohaska commented on April 10, 2007 23:43:
Nothing like a white Easter. Great shot.
Carolyn Brown commented on May 18, 2007 19:36:
Now...what confusion..spring...umm winter umm crazy weather but great capture.

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