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World in Pictures Day III Entry ~ Helen McHugh

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Helen McHugh All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Welwyn Garden City 07-07-07
by Helen McHugh (Earthtones) 
Canon EOS 5-D
Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
United Kingdom

Photographer Notes:
Capture of my local town centre at approx. 2pm today 07/07/07. Harsh lighting has produced many dark areas!

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Mark Westlake commented on July 09, 2007 15:06:
Ver nicely done Helen.Don't worry about the "harsh lighting",that's the way the weather goes!Your photo gets the feeling of your town across and that's what it's all about!
Helen McHugh commented on July 09, 2007 16:22:
Thanks Mark for your kind comment ! Family commitments on the 7th curtailed my picture taking time!!
Linn Smith commented on July 09, 2007 22:03:
Terrific sky and coloring presenting a very beautiful scene from your area of the world.
Evy Johansen commented on July 09, 2007 22:06:
This is a beautiful capture, Helen!!
Sylvia commented on July 10, 2007 00:23:
Wonderful scenery and capture Helen :O)
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on July 10, 2007 16:56:
A simply stunning photo, Helen! You live in a lovely city and beautiful area judging from this photo and the many others I have seen. I appreciate your dedication in writing such fine comments on the PV photos almost daily. Perhaps we may be able to be in contact some day. You are appreciated and your comments do not go unnoticed.
Joyce Webley commented on July 12, 2007 14:17:
Helen, I think this a such a pretty shot. I love the sky and the red buildings! What a beautiful town centre.
Kelvin (Kelly) Hargrove commented on July 12, 2007 18:59:
Beautiful Helen. I visited England once and wish very much to go there again. Problem is I'd NEVER STOP taking photos. :) This is a perfect shot..comp,color and all. WellDone.
Kathleen Haines commented on July 15, 2007 22:14:
Helen, this is wonderful! What a beautiful sky! Nice colors all around - the red buildings just pop out of the picture.
Ralph Lehmann commented on July 16, 2007 08:56:
Harsh lighting in this photo seems to bring out the beauty of the fountain and building in the background. Your town could use this as a postcard, check it out with them. Excellent shot.
Tom Carter commented on July 16, 2007 16:31:
Makes me want to take off my shoes and socks and go wading. Dark areas make good framing. The clouds add the final great touch to a fine phtograph. Good work.
Helen McHugh commented on July 19, 2007 03:09:
Thank you all for your wonderful comments! I guess we do not always appreciate what's on our own doorsteps! Thanks to Kevin for allowing us to see slices of life from around the world!

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