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World in Pictures Day IV Entry ~ Colleen Prohaska

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Colleen Prohaska All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Follow That Tree
by Colleen Prohaska (Magneticfish) 
Sony Cyber Shot DSC-H5
Lawrence, Kansas
United States of America

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Linn Smith commented on October 08, 2007 19:41:
Great find and wonderful candid capture!
Cheryl Tessens commented on October 08, 2007 23:08:
What a wonderful find! Good eye to see this one.
Joyce Webley commented on October 08, 2007 23:24:
This is so cute! I know what that guy was going to do on October 6!
Helen McHugh commented on October 09, 2007 04:27:
Great candid capture, Colleen! Glad you had your camera ready!
Juanita commented on October 09, 2007 08:02:
The unexpected ones are always fun....Great shot!

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