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World in Pictures (Christmas) Day V Entry ~ Mitch Spence

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Mitch Spence All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

My Christmas Gift
by Mitch Spence (Mitch Spence) 
Panasonic Lumix FZ-30
Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
This red-tailed hawk was sitting on the retaining wall of my driveway on this Christmas morning. I was so delighted to see him. I'd seen him around, but never right here. Climax Springs, Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri

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James Verhoeven commented on December 27, 2007 18:12:
Wow - nothing quite so wild over here on Christmas - just my nieces and nephews and a dog named Buster. Congrats on getting such a lovely visitor.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on December 27, 2007 21:03:
What a treat this was for you, Mitch, and how nice of the owl to wait until you got your camera...a true Christmas gift indeed! Lovely capture! Happy New Year.
Kathleen Haines commented on December 28, 2007 11:46:
Wow - what a treat!
Mark Westlake commented on December 28, 2007 14:09:
Looks like you got an extra Xmas present, nice shot Mitch!
Mitch Spence commented on December 28, 2007 14:16:
Thanks so much James, Patrice, Kathleen, and Mark, for your comments. I appreciate it. I'd seen this bird up the road a few times, but never so close. It was a treat. My first time posting on this site. It was fun, and I'll surely do it again. :)
Kathy Pazaryna commented on December 30, 2007 18:10:
Wow that is a Great capture of this beautiful Red Tail bet you won't forget this Christmas visit.. I see that it was your 1st post here at PV don't forget to come back and visit again and bring another wonderful picture to share with us, :)
Linn Smith commented on December 31, 2007 20:33:
You captured the red-tailed hawk beautfully with its rich color and markings...a special treat on Christmas day! Happy New Year!

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