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World in Pictures (Christmas) Day V Entry ~ LaRee Brownell

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © LaRee Brownell All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Family Fun
by LaRee Brownell (LaRee) 
Pentax K10D
San Diego, California
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Lots of photos of the kids opening their presents today and of course the obligatory shot of the whole family around the table before we ate Christmas dinner. But I picked this one because it is my favorite thing about this day, the games we play! Everyone's belly is full and we are enjoying a game of Last Word. I wish everyone was in this image, but half of the group was playing another game.

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James Verhoeven commented on December 27, 2007 17:57:
Hi LaRee, great to see the clan having fun. Have a great new years too!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on December 27, 2007 20:57:
Great shot, LaRee, showing us what Christmas was like in your part of the world. I love the fact that your family plays games together. Our family always did too at family gatherings and we enjoyed ourselves so and laughed heatedly as well. This year, there were only three of us but we played games anyway and as most often, my Dad ends up winning..Great to have fun with family and friends. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Kathleen Haines commented on December 28, 2007 12:23:
Fun!! For our family, it's Cribbage or Euchre or the other card one with chips and a mat and I can't remember the name of it (but it's always fun). Thanks for letting us in on your gathering.
Mark Westlake commented on December 28, 2007 14:14:
Great shot LaRee,looks like everyone enjoyed the day!
Linn Smith commented on December 31, 2007 18:54:
Good way to spend time together on Christmas...one can tell the whole gang is having alot of fun!
Jeff Banta commented on January 03, 2009 21:42:
lovely photo, and WOW it's been a while
Jeff Banta commented on January 03, 2009 21:45:
find me on myspace .. search whiteofblack
Christy commented on April 28, 2011 18:56:
Hey, that's the graetset! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
Christy commented on April 28, 2011 18:57:
Hey, that's the graetset! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?

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