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World in Pictures (Leap) Day VI Entry ~ James Verhoeven

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © James Verhoeven All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by James Verhoeven (Jimbob Productions) 
Pentax K20D
North Sydney, New South Wales

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C Thompson commented on March 02, 2008 00:38:
Great color and composition, makes you wonder where he was going and what the occasion was.
Kambhampaty Subrahmanyam commented on March 02, 2008 19:18:
Good colours and Im surprised why any akind of red balloons were not there, which colour will be more in balloon colours.
Tom Regner commented on March 03, 2008 21:07:
Interesting photo that makes you look and raises a lot of questions, like, "are the balloons in the bag there because they don't have strings yet?" and "what is that thing at the bottom of the bag... a broken balloon?" and "Why are they all white, green and turquoise in color??" The man conveys a sense of purpose and the darker individuals at right lend tension as he walks right into them.
Olivier Lacanal commented on May 21, 2008 09:42:
My!!! You probably only had a split second to take such a picture. Bravo!

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