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World in Pictures (Leap) Day VI Entry ~ Kumiko Parkinson

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Kumiko Parkinson All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

New Green, Old Green
by Kumiko Parkinson (Kumiko) 
Sony A100
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
I am amazed with this new green tree. Seems like new leaves appeared suddenly, I don't remember since when??? Just in front of my place, the blue Toyota on the right is mine!

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Mary C Legg commented on March 02, 2008 08:14:
very nice depth and lovely photo
Konstanty Boufal commented on March 02, 2008 19:51:
Lovely idea.
Tom Briggs commented on March 03, 2008 23:49:
Lovely greens, Kumiko. I can't wait until we have that here; it will be awhile. Nicely saturated and exposed.
Kumiko Parkinson commented on March 04, 2008 16:40:
Thank you, Mary, Konstanty and Tom! I didn't fix the color, this is not saturated green, Tom!
Tom Briggs commented on March 08, 2008 07:58:
Kumiko, I did not mean to infer that you artificially saturated the greens what I meant was that through correct exposure you really captured the the saturation of the greens.

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