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World in Pictures (Leap) Day VI Entry ~ Teri Moyer

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Teri Moyer All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Preparing the Fields
by Teri Moyer (Camerahag) 
Canon EOS 5-D
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
An Amish farmer getting his fields ready for planting.

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Evy Johansen commented on March 01, 2008 22:42:
Wonderful image, Teri!
Jim Thompson commented on March 01, 2008 23:24:
Beautiful composition, timeless. The tree really balances the frame. Well done.
Mary C Legg commented on March 02, 2008 08:15:
wonderful image-- and timeless. Horses are used here, too and people still harvest with scythes. Is very pleasant to be among such people where the land still is rich in work and value.
Jackie Hamilton commented on March 02, 2008 08:52:
I loved this the minute I saw it. I should have known it was Lancaster, PA. Beautiful image!
Dina Pilalis commented on March 02, 2008 20:27:
such a beautiful, capturing photo. there are some photos that you feel like you're in them. this is one of them - i can almost hear the horses trotting along!
Tom Briggs commented on March 03, 2008 23:51:
Very nice image, Teri. Now there is some hands on work. Nice work, very appealing photo.

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