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World in Pictures Day X Entry ~ Nikki McDonald

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Nikki McDonald All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Restless and Resting
by Nikki McDonald (nmcdonald) 
Sony A350
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
This is very small sample of the millions of red-winged blackbirds swarming from tree to tree during their spring migration -- an amazing sight and experience. Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge.

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susie peek-swint commented on March 13, 2009 09:33:
Wow Nikki that would be a fantastic sight to see ~ I loved seeing the pretty red-wing blackbirds ~ great capture!
Nikki McDonald commented on March 13, 2009 09:40:
It was an awesome experience -- visually but also in terms of sound. Thanks for the visit.
Doug Havens commented on March 13, 2009 10:19:
Nice capture - there sure are a lot of them!
Cheryll Tjon commented on March 13, 2009 13:00:
nice scene and picture!!
Melinda Schneider commented on March 13, 2009 15:41:
Neat shot, Nikki! I just love the way the birds and trees mirror each other!
Christine Czernin commented on March 13, 2009 16:39:
That must have been quite something. Great capture, Nikki.
C Thompson commented on March 14, 2009 20:40:
An amazing capture of an amazing sight Nikki!
Helen McHugh commented on March 24, 2009 07:32:
Great capture on this amazing event, Nikki!
Julie Christiansen commented on March 28, 2009 09:53:
Awesome shot.

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