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World in Pictures Day XIII Entry ~ Caj Källmalm

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Image copyright © Caj Källmalm All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Playing With My New Olympus
by Caj Källmalm (Fixxxer) 
Olympus E-620

Photographer Notes:
Playing with my new Olympus E-620 and light in mirrors. I took some panik photos just before midnight, as I'd worked through the entire day but I think this one was OK (I had an empty toilet paper roll on the pop-up flash and aimed it into one mirror that reflected it into three others)

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Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on December 18, 2009 00:23:
Now that is a new mechanism to use over the pop up flash to cause reflective light...what a unique flash card...LOL! Must remember that. You are very innovative & clever. I hope that you receive many more opportunities to use your new camera in the New Year. Christmas Blessing to you, Caj!
Kumiko Parkinson commented on December 18, 2009 10:28:
Congratulations on your new camera! God Jul och Gott Nytt ar! Smile, Caj, it's Christmas:-)
Evy Johansen commented on December 19, 2009 01:20:
Nice to meet you, Caj! Congratulations on your new camera! Glædelig jul og godt nytår til dig og din familie!! :)
Stanley A. Williams commented on December 20, 2009 22:59:
Clever shot.

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