All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.
Image copyright © Jack NiceGuy All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.
Sparks of Light Over a Dark Night-Sky
by Jack NiceGuy (MrNiceGuy)
Camera: Canon EOS 500-D
Location: Oregon
United States of America
Photographer Notes: This was taken after a rodeo in central Oregon at 12:00 midnight. lots of rednecks out screaming about how much they love America. Everyone was praying to god and such. It just killed me. The firework show was great though. This shot was taken towards the end of the show when there was lots of dust hanging in the air. So the fireworks lit up the sky and allowed me to use a fast shutter speed in pitch darkness.
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